Paper & Ash
I'm so glad you stopped by! Feel free to settle in and make yourself at home in my little corner of the web!
Paper & Ash is a stationery and paper products brand and online store selling a wide range of my very own line of greeting cards, wrapping paper, gift tags, prints, calendars, to-do lists and more. If you’re looking for contemporary original designs, high quality paper that doesn’t tear as you wrap - and you like your cards funny with just a little side of sass - then you’ve definitely come to the right place! New products and fresh designs are released throughout the year, so follow me on instagram for the heads up on any news (and all the little everyday stuff!) and join the mailing list to receive (very) occasional newsletters with updates and discount codes!
Why Paper & Ash?
I could possibly try and come up with something symbolic and clever about paper and ash and carbon or something, but I'd be totally fibbing. Paper & Ash is named after two of my great loves* – the first (which probably speaks for itself!) being all things paper (goodness), and the second, my cat named Ash.
So, if you love stationery, paper goods, typography and photography and umm, well, cats – then I think you're going to like it here. And if you're not big on cats then that's okay too. Seriously, I am sure we can still be friends ...even my own mother doesn't like cats. #Whaaat?! (I KNOW. But I swear she's a nice person) – and if you're not a feline fan either – I promise there's no cat hair in this virtual home! Sorry mum, I can't promise the same in my actual house.
About me –
I'm Leyla, a Graphic designer, stationery lover, paper hoarder, compulsive photo-taker, obsessive Pinstagrammer** and latte-addicted-certifiably-crazy-cat-lady*** living in Napier, New Zealand with my husband-slash-BFF (the chalk to my cheese), our two wee ones Lucca and Eden, and of course our rescued silver tabby, Ash - my reluctant slacker assistant and the inspiration behind the name.
So nice to meet you!
*Note to husband and kids –
Don’t fret, this DOES NOT mean these are my ONLY loves…
**Pinstagram –
A term coined by my husband for my dual obsessions of Pinterest and Instagram
***Note to self –
I totally need that title on my business cards
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